Friday 1 August 2014



The Jadoon/Gadoon are a Pashtun tribe in Pakistan.The Jadoon (Hindko/Pashto/Urduجدون‎), also called Gadoons (Pashtoګدون‎), is a Pashtun tribe in Pakistan. Horace Rose, an amateur ethnologist and adminBritish Raj, noted them in 1911 as being present partly in Gadoon in Swabi, and partly in Abbottabad and Haripur districts ofKhyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Across the Durand line, some members of the tribe live in Nangarhar and Kunar in Afghanistan. The Jadoons speak Pashto in Swabi and Afghanistan and Hindko in Abbottabad and Haripur.The name Jadoon is sometimes spelled as Gadoon and in one citation as Suddoon .Actually jadoon are the ihebatants and gadoon is the area.the people of gadoon are called jadoon.[1]
  By Minhas khan jadoon

The genealogical table of the tribe, as given in the "Tarikh-e-Khan Jahaniwa-
Mukhazan-e-Afghani" by Kawaja Nimatullah Harvi, written in about 1612 A.D, is reproduced (in appendix No.1). This book was written in the region of Mughal emperor Jahangir in which the Jadoon tribe is referred to as a branch of the Panni Afghan. Sir Olaf Caroe, in his famous book "The Pathans" under the genealogical table of Ghurghusht mentions that Jadoons descended form the Panni tribe. Ziring, the author of "Pakistan: The Enigma of Political Development" on page 149 and on page 14 of the year book of the NWFP 1954, writes:
The NWFP is demographically divided between sedentary and tribal people. Although the Pathans are numerically superior, the region is also the home for the Awans, Gujars, etc. The Pathans, divided into numerous distinctive tribal units the major ones in the mountain ranges, are the Yusufzai's of Malakand Agency, the Mohnands and Afridis of the Khyber Agency and Kohat Pass, the Orakzais of Tirah, the Wazirs of North & Southern Waziristan, and the Bhittanis and Shiranis of D.I.Khan. In the setteled areas of the province are the Yusufzais of Mardan, the Khalils, Muhamands, Muhammad-zais, Dauadzais, Khattak, Banghash of Khohat, the Marwats and Wazirs of Bannu and the Gandapurs, kundis and Minakhail of D.I.Khan. Some of the Important minor tribes are the Jadoons of Hazara and Swabi, in the Shinwaris and Mullagories of the Khyber and Babars and Dawars.In the book entiiled "Report on the Settlement of Peshawar District, by Major H.R James, 1868, part-II, Appendix-D" on page 133, jadoons are shown in the genealogical table as the descendants from Panni Afghan.
History of Pashtoons or Pathans.

This article is a translation of a script shared on face book about the history of Pathans and
 their embracing of Islam as a nation.Pashtoons are said to be the offspring of Prophet Abraham.
 There are different claims on the bases of researches conducted.Some say Afghan or Pathans
 were living a part of Arginia as they claim that Albanian tribe Oghan traveled from Arginia to
 towards India and settled in Afghanistn.An western historian writes that Jewish tribes after hard
 and frightful  struggles settled in Afghanistan.When the Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon
 him started preaching Islam and people from different parts of the world embraced Islam as
 faith and way to live then the Chief of Pakhtoons or Pashtoons or Pathans were
 Qais Abadurashid leading a delegate met Hazrat Muhammad PBUH and embraced Islam
 along with his tribe when convinced after meeting and thorough discussions and That's why
 wherever in world, the Pathan would be Muslims by faith.He further writes that Pathan are 
the only people having no religion than Islam as a nation collectively and whenever some 
one asks a Pathan or Pashtoon if he is Muslim first or Pathan? The answer would he is 
Pathan since last five thousand years and Muslim since 1400 years. 

History of Jadoon Pathan
 The Jadoons originally lived on the western slopes of the Spin Ghar range, in the Nangarhar region of Afghanistan. Later on, the Jadoons migrated to the Kabulregion. In the 16th century, the Jadoons joined the Yusufzai, who had been expelled from Kabul by Mirza Ulugh Beg a paternal uncle of the Mughal Emperor Babur, and they migrated eastwards into the Peshawar region and settled in areas inhabited by the Dilazak tribe of the Pashtuns. They succeeded to defeat the Dilazaks at the battle of Katlang,and pushed them towards the Hazara region east of the Indus River. The Jadoons eventually settled inSwabi at the western bank of the Indus River. But later, some of the Jadoons also settled on the eastern bank of the Indus River, in Abbottabad andHaripur.
The Jadoon are descended from Ashraf also known as Jadoon (Gadoon) of the Panni clan of the Ghurghusht Afghan. Parni, Kakar, Naghar (who created the Naghar tribe and Dawi were four sons of Daney son of Ismail, also known as Ghurghusht. They created three tribes: Parni, Kakar, and Naghar (Dawi mixed with the Kakar)
 The people of this tribe call themselves jadoons, but Eastern Afghans who change the letter S`h into K`h and "j" into "G" style them Gadoons as the letter J and G are interchangeable in the Pushto language, just as jillani and Gillani are synonyms. The Jadoons were freedom fighters and they showed bravery against their rivals, especially the Sikhs and the British with other prominent Pashtun tribes of the region like the Swati, Tareens,Mashwanis, Khaji khail and Shilmani. Their leader Sakhi Jan Jadoon had been martyred during the freedom efforts against the Sikhs in the 19th century.The name Jadoon is sometimes spelled as Gadoon and in one citation as Suddoon.Jadoon is a Pashtun tribe. They are very patriotic by nature and they sacrifice their lives for the sake of their beloved country.They live in the districts of Abbottabad and Swabi of N.W.F.P of Pakistan. Their spoken language is Pashto in Swabi and mostly Hindko in Abbottabad. 
The genealogical table of the tribe, as given in the "Tarikh-e-Khan Jahaniwa-Mukhazan-e-Afghani" by Kawaja Nimatullah Harvi, written in about 1612 A.D, is reproduced (in appendix No.1). This book was written in the region of Mughal emperor Jahangir in which the Jadoon tribe is referred to as a branch of the Panni Afghan. Sir Olaf Caroe, in his famous book "The Pathans" under the genealogical table of Ghurghusht mentions that Jadoons descended form the Panni tribe. Ziring, the author of "Pakistan: The Enigma of Political Development" on page 149 and on page 14 of the year book of the NWFP 1954, writes:
The NWFP is demographically divided between sedentary and tribal people. Although the Pathans are numerically superior, the region is also the home for the Awans, Gujars, etc. The Pathans, divided into numerous distinctive tribal units the major ones in the mountain ranges, are the Yusufzai's of Malakand Agency, the Mohnands and Afridis of the Khyber Agency and Kohat Pass, the Orakzais of Tirah, the Wazirs of North & Southern Waziristan, and the Bhittanis and Shiranis of D.I.Khan. In the setteled areas of the province are the Yusufzais of Mardan, the Khalils, Muhamands, Muhammad-zais, Dauadzais, Khattak, Banghash of Khohat, the Marwats and Wazirs of Bannu and the Gandapurs, kundis and Minakhail of D.I.Khan. Some of the Important minor tribes are the Jadoons of Hazara and Swabi, in the Shinwaris and Mullagories of the Khyber and Babars and Dawars.
The Jadoon tribe is divided into Two main sub-tribes, Salar ,Mansoor .Tribes are further sub-divided into several smaller clans.Muhammad zai in to Aden khail khtab khail, Musa Zai, Hassan Zai, Dollah Zai, Khizar Zai Khalil zai in to Sheikh khalil zai ,Umar Zais and ILyas khail in Sheikh,paindakhail Mola khail are sub-tribes of Mansoor and there are many sub-tribes into Salar like haji khail (bai khani),Ilyas khail Muhammad khail, shabeh khail, Essa Khail, maleeh khail, mustafa zai maha bani, taser khail. ("The Jadoon" book by Sultan Khan Jadoon Hassa zai). Mansoor tribe lives in Salhad, Malikpura, Sheikhul-Bandi, Dhamtour, Nawan Shehr, Kakul, Mirpur, Balderi, Mangal,Banda Ilyas Khail,Banda Dilzak,Banda Pir khan, Dhamtour, Bagnotar and Qalanderabad and also lives in Gandaf Sawabi. Salar tribe lives in Havalian, Bagra, Banda Said Khan, Langra, Basian (UC Birote) Gujjer Kohala, Dheerkot and Munhasa (AJK), and many Salar lives in Sawabi.

Jadoons were warriors . they helped those tribes who were subsided or crushed by the powerful tribes. This was why jadoon tribe arrived to fight and give relief to all those tribes who were subsided and dis graced by other powerful neighboring clans. The arrival of jadoons to swabi and Abbottabad are the examples of helping weak tribes always attacked by the powerful. the jadoons secured their warrior blood not to giving their daughters or not got married their sons out of jadoons.this was the main cause that they secured their inherited values.but as the time passed and the circumstances changed now jadoon has got their relations to all the communities in and out side of Pakistan.however jadoons are different in their habits and manners they are pure pakhtoons and real Muslims.If an enemy come to their door steps they never hurt him during the boundaries of their home. they are sincere in friend ship and bitter in enmity.

Jadoons Clans

The Jadoons are subdivided into Two clans:
− * Salar And Mansoor.
  ==See also==          Created by:      Minhas khan jadoon Dhamtour Abbottabad
    * Nimat Allah al-Harawi  Author of Tarikh-i-Khan Jahani Makhzan-i-Afghani (The History of the Afghans).

− * The Jadoons" by Sultan Khan Jadoon (2001)]]
− * Caroe, Sir Olaf (1958). The Pathans 550 B.C.-A.D. 1957. London: Macmillan and Company.
  1. Jump up^ Rose, Horace Arthur; MacLagan, Edward Douglas (1911). A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province II. Lahore: Samuel T. Weston at theCivil and Military Gazette Press. pp. 272–273.


  1. Very nice article.Find latitude of Mardan below:
    Mardan Latitude Longitude

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Do anyone knows from where can I get this book and others on typically Jadoons.

    1. app abbottabad aaen sultan khan jadoon ki book mil jae gi app ko

  4. Mardan is 19 Largest and beautiful city, if you are planning to visit click below :

    Distance Between Mardan to other Cities

  5. very nice history of jadoons im jadoon my tribe name is khaleel zai.

  6. A very good and brief history of jadoon,s tribe appreciated am Mian Saeed Jadoon From Swabi Gadoon By cast Mansoor Dulatzai Mian khan khel.


    1. g jnab sirf gadun ap kush....

    2. The Jadoons along with Mohmands, and the rest of the Pukhtoons trace their lineage to the “Qais Abdur-Rashid” the progenitor of the Pukhtoon Clans. Both record in their history that they migrated from, what is now known as “Southern Afghanistan”. Other Pukhtoon Clans known to have migrated from this region are the Yousafzai, and the Mohammadzai. It is interesting to note that these same clans are still found in close proximity to each other today in Pukhtoonkhwa, hinting to some truth in their story.

      Further support of a tribal migrations from Southern Afghanistan comes from the unique “Jadoon” name. This is written using the unique pakhto “g” which is like the Arabic "rey" but with a dot above and below. This in Pakhto is "g" and in Pashto is "J" hence "Spin giray" in Pakhto and "Spin jiray" in Pashto (White beard). Also gilay in Pakhto and jilay (hail) in Pashto and so on. Thus it is the same argument for “Jadoon” and “Gadoon”.

      In fact, by going to Hazara, which is largely a non-Pakhto speaking area, the Jadoons further preserved their “Pashto pronounced” name. Support for this conclusion comes from numerous records of British military expeditions that demonstrated that the Jadoons around Gandaf and associated areas (“Yaghistan” as it was then called) at least in the 1700s still called themselves “Jadoons”.

      The suggestion that “Gadoons” moved 100-200 miles across the Indus into Hazara, and changed the name on-mass to Jadoon just because the area was Hindko speaking also seems irrational- a tribe cannot simply change its name because they live in a different location. There are Afridis and Yusafzais in Bhopal, India and they are still called Afridi and Yusafzai although these now speak Urdu/Hindi. The Niazi Pakhtoons who speak Panjabi, still call themselves Niazis and so on. Also, none of the various Khels have changed their names due to a difference in location therefore I would not expect a change in the name of the tribe at all.


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  9. IS history Ma mangal ke lari b likho bht se Haqeqt khul jay ge ap ke ankho ka samna lari ma ap ke is qoam na bht zada maaar khai the

    1. Mangal ke larai main mar nai kahi sheed hwy thy malik g or sakhoo ko mar bagya the jin k tum log gulama thay samjy

    2. SHAHADAT jesa azeem rutba ko ap mar kehta han,,,hum hara magar juka ni yahi humara liay fakhar ki baat ha,,,aur us jang men humara sath sirf aik qabila bahaduri sa lara wo tha marjan(awan ) qabail ,,,jo mangal aur ird gird k halako men aj b rehta ha,,,abi ap tarekh janta ni to hamara koi qasur ni

    3. hahahhahahahhhah minhaasa bahi jaaan mangal ka mugam pa jo jang hoi the na us ma ap ka jadoono ka sth awano na deya tha aaaj b uc mangal ma 68% awan ha ...ap ke baat drust ha paar us jang ma ap ko sikast ho rhe the to hmara bazargo na ap ka sth deya ap ya kasa kh skta ha ka hm gulam tha hahahhahahha KHoon e ali kabi Gulami nea krta ya shd ap ko pta b nea ha Agr gulami krta na khoon e ALI ko kabi karbla ka waqya na hota

    4. Usman sab ap bilkul thk kh rhy ha ha us jang ma awano na ap ka sth deya tha m agree sorry for maar wala words is leya bola ku ka ap na wo bat yaha add nea ke agr koi mara sth achai krta ha to ma usa har jaga yad krta hu par ap na AWANO ke achai yaha pa add nea ke is ka mtlb to ya ha ka BUGHZ ha ap ka dil ma muja history bht pta ha janab muja shook ha history prhny ka mara pass ase ase history ke books ha jo ap na dakhe b na ho ge hazara ke

    5. usman khan sab jin bahi na ya blog likha wa ha una khud nea pta ka mangal ke lari ma jadoon tribe ka sth kiss na deya dekhn na phr ap ap ke history wo loog likh rhy ha jina pta he nea ha

    6. Janab ap ke history ma kafi batain ha jo ap ka sar fakhr sa bulnd krte ha lakin ap un logo ko necha sabit na krn jino na ap ka sth deya bahi samj ka ap una he apna sa necha sabit kr rhy ha apna blog ma ....baki OLAD E ALI RA kabi ksi ka khena sa necha nea ho skte wo Alkhamdulillah NABI PAK ka khandan sa ha ....baaaki koi uncha necha nea hota sab muslman ha lakin ap dosro ko necha mat sabit krn janab

    7. or janab ma na upr ya lafaz MAAR isleya use keya ka ap ka blogger bahi na galt bat likhe jiss sa haar Asal awan ko gusa aaay ga janab jab b wo ap ke history prhy ga to

    8. is sa muja to koi farq nea phry ga na janab is sa ap ka leya or jadoon tribe ka leya nafrt phlay ge ...jadoon tribe ka log bht achy ha ap una galt tarf na la ka jayn wo log gareebo ka sth kharay hona wala log ha ....or bs ya requst ha ka janab jin logo na ap ke madad ke una maaat bhoola ap janab una izat dena seekn or una he necha maat dikhna ke kosish krn

    9. Khair dy g mar b lrai kr khai na aik to harta hy lrai me

  10. The NWFP is demographically divided between sedentary and tribal people. Although the Pathans are numerically superior, the region is also the home for the Awans, Gujars, ya ap na juth likha wa ha ......AWAN jo ka OLAD E ALI ha wo ap sa suprior to ho skta ha par ap un sa superior nea ho skta kisi b kemat pa

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. sory its not now NWFP,,,ITS now K paktunkhwa as the name indicates land of men koi shak ni k awan hazrat ALI (R A) ki aulad men sa hen aur hum sa superior han aur hum na apna buzurgo sa suna ha k jadoon apna hujro men awan aur syed ki izzat men uth kare hota tha ku k un k tahaluk hazrat ali (R A) sa tha,,,,,, magr ya to asli awano ki bat ho rahi abi to mera gaon k nai,mochi aur doobi jo aj sa 50 sal phela awan ni tha ab ban chuka,,,ap phela uma asli awan bataen hum yakenan una izzat data tha aur data rahenga. I A

    3. usman khan sab ya ap ko b pta ha ka kaaami kmeeno ke koi kom nea hote ya log apna ap ko apna maaaalk ke qoam ikhtar kr leta ha jab un Maaalkoo sa baag jaty ha apna baap bna lety ha agr ap ka wald ya dada ya pardada koi numbr dar tha to una bht zada pta ho ga is bry ma ka ya kammi kameen log apne kom badlna ma dair nea krty rhe .......Naai MOchhi Or dhobbii ya log qoam badl kr apna ap ko awan bnay ya khan bnay is sa koi frq awan kom ko nea prhta jo asal ha wo asal ha un ka DNA code prove kr skta ha asal ko Alkhamdulillah hm peero ke olad ha Hamra raaago ALi ka khoon ha or un ka sahibzada Ghazi Abbas ALmdar RA ka khoon ha or hm hazara jaaany maany peerr baba sajawl ke olad ha hma koi zarort nea ha ksi ko btana ke asal nakal ke baki jo asal ha un ke adat sa una pta chal jata ha ....baki ya ap ko bhtr pta ha

    4. janab pakhtoon khawa pashto ke wja sa ha ap ka pakhtoono ma 1500 qoma ha or mardan ma pashto sper hazaror asal awan ha or hazara ma srf or srf 40% asal awan basty ha jin ka pass apna asal sajrajat majood baki kaaami kameen log or wo log jin ka pass passsa aaa jata ha wo apna ap ko awan or khan likhna laaag jaty ha ku ka ......hma pta ha kaha kaha asal awan ha or kaha nea ha baki hmara apna Mazaary jo tha dosra sher ma jaaa ka apna ap ko awan likh rhy tha jab hma pta chala to hm na un pa case keya or un ko okat yaaad dilaa de is trhan jhaha jaha donumbr ban rhy ha log ahista ahista sab nikab utaar rhy h a

    5. hazara ma ktna log apna ap ko jadoon khty ha KHooty chalany walay tyro ka punchar lagany wala welding wala even lakri ka kam krna wala b apna aaap ko jadoon likha ha or saaab ko pta ha ka asal jadoon or zabrdasti jadoon kon ha baki ab to Rajja jina hm log tarkhaaan khty ha wo apna ap ko utmanzai pathan likhty ha ....likhna sa koi wo ban nea jata janab wase adatin or wase khoobia b hone chya

    6. ap na ya bat khud ke ha ka jo 50 saal phla awan nea tha ab awan bnayw a is ka mtlb ha ka wo apna baaap badla rhy ha kal ko wo apna ap ko pathan bna lain ga karlal bana lain ga is sa ya bat sabit nea hote ka AWANO ke Galte ha jo b apna baap tabdeel kry ga us ka leya khuda nabola wa ha ka jahnam kee aaag us pa farrrz ho jate ha

    7. Oh yarooo... i agree malk theek hi to keh ra hay.. jadoonoo me problem to hy... shakl sorat me b handsome aur darty b nai... to hamary kisi bary ne galti to ki hogi hi yeh malk peda howa hoga.. hamary baby b too sady they..kisi ko b zameen de k chood dety thy. ... itna josh jo iss k khoon me hy us se app ko andza nai lagta k kisi jadoon ka khoon hy but najaiz... baki awanoo ko yeh kidr mila ra hy Ali r.h k sath ... hahaha.. malak bai apny bazorgoo ki galti ki me mazrat krta hoo.

    8. Oh yarooo... i agree malk theek hi to keh ra hay.. jadoonoo me problem to hy... shakl sorat me b handsome aur darty b nai... to hamary kisi bary ne galti to ki hogi hi yeh malk peda howa hoga.. hamary baby b too sady they..kisi ko b zameen de k chood dety thy. ... itna josh jo iss k khoon me hy us se app ko andza nai lagta k kisi jadoon ka khoon hy but najaiz... baki awanoo ko yeh kidr mila ra hy Ali r.h k sath ... hahaha.. malak bai apny bazorgoo ki galti ki me mazrat krta hoo.

  11. OR hazara ma Karlal sab sa zada tha ap na to apne tareefain band de ha juthi asa hakekt likhn Hazara guzart ko opn krn 1882 sa 1883 tak us ma jo jo ap ka bary ma likha wa ha na prh ka ap bhool jayn ga apane tareefan ...goray na ap ka bry ma jo jo likha

    1. tarakh laki nai bani jati hai samjy malik saib

    2. ap b likho apni tarefan hum na roka ha,,,hum jab apni tareekh likhta to jalta kun haan,,,itni nafrat ku,,,,ap ehsas e kamtari k shikar ha jaen apna ilaj karwaen,,,aur humari tarekh na kuraden wo aj sa 500 sal purani kitabo men b mujaud ha,,,hamen ap ki certification ki zarurat ni

    3. Usman khan sahab muja ku ehsas e kamtri ho ge haan Alkhamdulillah ma All nasal khoon hu or mare nisbat ALI RA sa ha jo khandan e rasool ha or chahczad bahi ha rasool ka ....asa aa history lover ma na coment keya ha ka janab jadoon tribe jangjo tha lakin ino na Dilazako ko or turk Rajao ko jaaang haari the na ka baki jin ka likha wa un ko ehsas kamtri to ap apne lahja ma la ka ayn bnda agr koi tankeed krta to ap usa justfy krn ta ka wo ap ke tareef 10 or jgaaao pa kry or ap ka nam roshan ho baki ap ke tareek 500 saaal ke ha hmara 1400 saaal arbo ke kitabo ma or us ka bad karbla ka wakyat sa bhri prhe ha ....hamra apna gaar ma 3 Jadoon larkia ha jo ka hamrae bhabi ha to jalan kasae ap apne islaha krn

    4. usman khan sab agr ap ko naqali awan jo ka kami kameen ha apna ap ko awan khta ha ap un ke bashak kutto wale krn laikn ap una awan na boln wo kami kameen ha ap ko pta hona ka bawajod ap una awan bol rhy ha ya to khula tazad ha na asal awan asal he hota zameedar hota ha

    5. Aur wesy b hazara me jab kisi ko koi koom nai milti ..ya awan ya qureshi ban jata hy... is pe gusa nai hona chaeye .... iss ka dard samjoo.. bechara kr to kuch nai sakta...kisi jadoon ne iss ki bhn ko choda hoga...ab gusa to krny doo bechary koo... but..malk bai..sary jadoon aysy nai yar..ab kisi ak ne agr galti ki to tum sab ko bura to na kahoo...
      Pashto me rehman baba ka ak sheer hy... Aye khudaya chi ta peda kary di gadana ..biya noor sa zaroorat hoo chi peda key pukhtana..
      Apny najaiz bap se tarjuma poch lena... chal me hi bata deta hoo...
      Ay allah agr tu ne jadoon peda keye to kiya zaroorat thi aur pakhtoon peda krny ki...hum kafi thy

    6. chup begharat tum logo ki gando pa kicka b tu jadoono na he mari the na

    7. itna he bahdur hoto kahi samna beth ka bat karo

    8. Asslam-o-alikum g Malik sab many ap k bohat comment pary ha jadoons k bary ma mary pyaray malik bahi jan agr ap ko itni he takleef ha jadoons cy to baray mehrbani awanoo ke history banao ya bani hue ha to udr ja k jo peesh krna ha kro idr hamri history k bary ma ungliyaa na uthaoo ham sab k janty hak kon kitny pani ma ha lehaza apny alfaz apni history ma use kro aur apni history paroo hamari history parny ke ap ko koi zarorat nai na he humy apni history par ap ke koi jankari chaheya aur na he ap ka like ya comment so please be in your own limit....... THANKS

  12. Jadoon is living in hazara division (haripur, abbot abad & mansehra).
    It's pukhtoon tribe while speaks hindko

  13. Jadoons are real pathan warriors, proud to be a jadoon(ummarzai)

  14. I am also Jadoon and I am proud of Jadoon

  15. pahla hum muslim han phir pakistani han phir jadoon han

    1. phly hum pathan ha pir hum Muslim ha aur pir hum PAKISTANI ha ALKAMDULILLAH

  16. Very biased and immature article. Jadoons needed help themselves as they were lakbands and malatars of utmanzais. They were brought to Hazara by their Pir Mullah Abdur Rahim and tried to settle in Pakhal with Swatis an arrangement that helped them get victory at Dhamtur. Read Sultan Khan Jadoon and always take history as a subject dont confuse yourself with British style of history writing.

    1. Wellsaid boy we utmanzai's and Jadoon's real Khan's hum pathan pathan apas ma larta hua acha nhi lagta guys....jadoon's humara Bhai hn or hum Hamesha apni pathanwali ke base py eik dosry ku prefer kerta hn but kuch bad nasly log hum dono tribes ku apas ma larata hn onh bad naslo k lia eik hi line ha Khan hnda hnda ty Khana Lok khan akhda na o ap zabardasti Khan nhi bnda.

  17. I also belong to jadoon family and proud to be from this caste ❤️

  18. I would like to correct you here. Jadoon tribe is not from Pani tribe. The genealogy of Jadoon tribe goes back to Kakar tribe.
    Sincerely: Mohammad Haider Ali Khan Khidrzai Jadoon

  19. Jadoon Ka taluq kakar qabeely sy bhot bari ghlt fehmi hai k jadoon ka taluq panni qabeely sy hai esa kuch nahi hai mn apko Shijra dikha skta hun jo saadio sy hmary pas chala arha hai or us mn clearly likha hai k Jadoon ka taluq kakar qabeely sy hai.

  20. Hajee said kamal is one of the peron who plays an important role in jadoon history

  21. Love u jadoon from ghuri Margi Afghanistan😀

  22. Which is relation jadoon and isreal tribe gad zabuulun👩‍👩‍👦

  23. You wrote about synonyms of jadoon as gadoon suddoon and what about yadoons they belong to kohistan area
